Dehydrator Coconut Macaroons | Recipe by

Dehydrator Coconut Macaroons

Dehydrator Coconut Macaroons Dehydrator Recipes
  • COOK TIME: 20 Hours
  • PREP TIME: 15 Minutes
  • SERVES: 4


  • 300g Almonds (soaked for 8 hours)
  • 90g Shredded Coconut
  • 1 tbsp Almond Extract
  • 6-10 Pitted Dates (soaked for 2 hours)


A great addition to any tea party, these macaroons are simply delicious


  1. Place the ingredients into a blender along with 240ml of the water used to soak the dates. When combined the dough mixture should be thick
  2. Line the dehydrator trays with Excalibur sheets or parchment paper
  3. Use a teaspoon to measure out balls of the mixture and arrange on the dehydrator trays
  4. Leave to dehydrate for 14-20 hours at a temperature of 46⁰C. The macaroons should be turned half way through the drying time


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